Friday, November 30, 2007

Get Ready

Matthew 24:44 "therefore you also must be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour"

If you read this whole passage, it can put a scare into you, until you realize that Jesus is talking about life. He talks about how two will be working in a field and one will be taken, and the other left, or two women will be grinding and one will be taken and the other left. This is more about everyday life than about the end times.

Humans are finite beings, that means we have a beginning and an end. We don't know when that end will come, so we must always be ready for it. For the Christian, that means prayer, worship, praise, and sharing the Good News. We don't know when we will die, and we don't know when others will die, all we know is that we must spread the Good News.

The sad thing is when a friend you plan on witnessing to dies before you get a chance to share with them. That very thought should be enough to break our hearts. Christ desires for no one to be condemned, He desires for all of his children to feast at the banquet, but there will be those who will choose not to go. We do not choose for them, but we are to give them the chance to say yes or no to Christ.

During this Advent Season, let's give of our selves and share the good news, so that everyone can be prepared.

Pastor Kent

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passadinha lá no meu, que é sobre frases e poesias, espero que goste. O endereço dele é Um abraço.