Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Own Path

John21:22 “Jesus said to him,” If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!”

Scenario: God calls you to ministry, but you say, “God, I am no John Wesley, so I can’t be a minister”. Comparing ourselves to another is not the way to follow Christ. Jesus was basically telling Peter to not worry about where John was going, Peter needed to worry about doing what Peter was called to do.

Christ calls each of us to follow him, and each of us will have a different path to follow. The eventual destination will be the Heaven, but until then we give ourselves to Christ and go where he sends us. For some that will be the pulpit, for others it will be the coffee shop. No one persons ministry will be the same, and it is wrong for us to think we are called to be exactly like someone else. The only person we are to emulate is Christ himself.

Don’t let the talents of others keep you from following Christ. Christ has a special job for you, one that no one else can do, and your task is to “Follow him”.
