Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Don't get tired

2 Thessalonians 3:13
"Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right." (NRSV)

"We were doing that, but it didn't do any good, so we stopped". How many times have we heard this or a similar phrase? How many good programs have stopped because people got tired of not seeing results?

Successful ministry is a difficult thing to measure. Too often, the mainline denominations measure success by the number of people in the pews on Sunday, or the amount of money in the coffers, but is that the true idea of Christian success? I wonder.

Churches are responsible for doing good things, and this does not stop just because the church did not get a pat on the back. We are called by Christ to love our neighbor and therebye are called to do everything we can to share that love. Getting tired and being retired is not an excuse. If we call ourselves Christian, then we are to run the race in full, not just halfway.

A baseball coach tells the players to run hard all the way to the base, because there is no guarantee that the baseman will catch the ball. God calls us to run and work hard all the way, because this world needs to hear the Good News, and there is a lot of work to do.

Don't get tired and keep on going until you hear the master say "Well Done!"

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