Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Give Thanks

Psalms 107:1 O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good, his steadfast love endures forever.

Last night, we had our Charge Conference. For those who may be new to this, this is the meeting where the church gathers to approve paperwork and plans for the coming year. It is also a chance for the District Superintendent to hear what has been happening in the church. During this sharing time I was told to not say a thing and let the members of the church share the good news. Those that were there shared many of the things that we had done over the year.

You, the Doniphan United Methodist Church, have been a loving, caring, committed family for Susan, the kids and I. The love that you expressed last night, and the love you continue to show confirms to me that this is the right place to be.

Throughout this year, Doniphan UMC has gone outside of itself. More kids than ever have attended church camp, for the 2nd time we sponsored a mission camp to an out of state disaster zone. You looked into your hearts and showed the love for the down trodden and handicapped through the PET vehicle project. You have shared in community ministries and have fed and housed over 2 dozen people this year. You have supported the local food pantry and continue to look for ways to help out those less fortunate. In essence God is working through every person in this congregation to reach every person outside of these walls. This is why I give thanks.

This past month, you shared your appreciation for Susan and I with a gift for Pastor Appreciation Month, and we feel truly blessed.

God is truly working here, and will continue, I give thanks for you, for what God is doing through you and for what God will do.

God Bless all of you.

Your Brother in Christ
Pastor Kent