Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In His Prayers

John: 17:20 " I pray not only for these, but also for those who believe in Me through their message."

One of the statements we as believers share is " you are in my prayers." Often this is said when we find out that someone is in hardship or has fallen on rough times. Today's scripture tells us that we are in Jesus' prayers.

Talk about a wonderful place to be, to be prayed for by the very person to whom we pray, the son of God. When we lift people in prayer, we are also mindful of them, and this verse tells us that Jesus has his thoughts on us. Jesus thinks of us, because he loves us.

This is good news to share, that we have a savior that loves us so much he thinks and prays about us. The world view is, "out of sight out of mind", but God's view is always in sight and mind.

Truly we are loved.


Friday, March 21, 2008

and Peter too.

Mark 16:7 " But go, tell His disciples, and Peter to, "He is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see HIm, just as He told you.'"

In the passion story, Peter turned on Jesus. Peter thought of himself as Jesus' right hand man, he was the rock of the church, thus the name Peter (a play on the Greek word "Petra" or rock). Here is the one who was the support of Jesus. But on that night before the crucifixion, Peter turned on Christ. In order to save his own skin, Peter denied, denounced and cursed any association with Jesus of Nazareth.

But at the Resurrection, the Angels tell Mary to make sure Peter knows. Why, because even though Peter could not forgive himself, Christ had already forgiven him. Peter was human, and subject to human frailties, and Christ knew the love and strength in Peter's heart. Peter could not live a life of regret for one bad decision.

This is the promise Christ gives to us. He does not expect us to live a life based on our bad decisions. Christ expects us to live a life based on the hope of the resurrection. All we need do is to ask for forgiveness. Christ offers us life and he calls out to his disciples, and you and me too.
