Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fear not.

PK’s Corner February 2012

Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear, for I AM with you…for I am your God. I will strengthen you…”

As we continue in our journey through this New Year, there is still an element of fear. We fear the unknown. We fear the power of others. For many of us, there is an innate fear of the political process.

But that doesn’t need to be. Isaiah, sharing Gods word to Judah, reassures them of God’s presence in their lives. There was much to fear then, nations sought to conquer and destroy the people of God and yet God says, “I AM with you.”

God is with us, always, there is no need to fear. Jesus even assured us before going into heaven that he would be with us “even to the end of the age.” We are never alone, and we need not fear what tomorrow will bring, for God is with us and God will strengthen us.
Are you living in fear, is the night too dark, or the road too harsh, turn to God, for God is our strength and redeemer. With God there is no need to fear, there is only wonder, awe and absolute love.

Do not fear, for God is near.
