Pk’s Corner
April 2016
Mark 16:6 but he said to them, “Do
not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him.”
I can only imagine the fear, surprise,
joy and sorrow that was felt when the women first came to the tomb. In the four gospels, we have similar accounts
of the event, and they all lead to one conclusion; the tomb was empty.
We celebrate the new beginning that
this action means. Death has been
conquered and is no longer to be feared.
We have a risen savior who has died for our sins and then came back to
life to bring us to him. We have hope in
the risen Christ, and that hope gives us strength to face the trials of life.
But, we also tend to hang out at the
tomb. God empties the tomb, and still we
want to fill it up. The tomb is meant
to be empty, and we insist on keeping it full.
You see, we tend to gravitate back to world views and thus we come back
to the tomb. Death is abolished, yet the
world seems set on living in death.
Now you are probably thinking, “Gosh
Kent, what has gotten into you”, all I ask is you bear with me. The reality is this, any time we turn away
from Christ we go back into the tomb.
Every time we do not love our neighbor, we fill the tomb. Every time we stop loving one another, we
fill the tomb. Every deaf ear turned to
those in trouble, fills the tomb. Every
time we ignore a hungry person, every time we refuse to shelter the homeless,
every time we have not shared the word of God, we fill the tomb.
The empty tomb is meant to stay
empty. The only way to keep it empty is
to be the people God has called us to be.
Not the once a year Christians who think about following Christ during
Lent, but the 24/7, 365 followers of Christ we are called to be.
You see, the empty tomb moved the bar
up. We are not called to be white washed
tombs, but children of the Risen Son. We
are not meant to be among the dead, but to live with the living Christ.
So, are you keeping the tomb empty?
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