Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Portion Meant for Mission

September 2014

Matthew 25:37

Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink?


I am a United Methodist Minister, and I am glad, and maybe a little bit proud, to be part of such a wonderful organization.  As of right now, there are over 13 million members worldwide.  The UMC is in North and South America, Asia, Russia, Europe, England, Australia, the Philippines, Africa and other parts of the world.  The exciting thing is while we are worldwide; each church supports every other church in ministry and mission.

While I serve this church in Doniphan, I share in serving churches all around the world.  Many decisions of ministry that are made here will affect members thousands of miles away.  This denomination supersedes race and color while focusing on sharing the Word of God and meeting the needs of our brothers and sisters.

The UMC is often one of the first to arrive at a place of disaster.  We are usually the last to leave as we support those in need.  Right now we have representatives in harm’s way in areas where there is war and Ebola.  Currently there are members of the UMC preparing to go to earthquake stricken areas around the world.   We also minister in areas of unrest in our own neighborhoods.  In Ferguson we have ministers and counselors behind the scenes trying to bring about peace and reconciliation. 

We are a connectional church.  As part of that connection, we are our brothers and sisters keepers.  We are called to love our neighbors and that means supporting them in any way we can.  We have a program called Apportionments.  It is through this giving that we can do all the ministries we are called to do.  Apportionment is a way that each church can share in these overwhelming ministries to the world.  With the apportionment program, we can end hunger, quench thirst and bring better living conditions to people around the world.  We can offer education and reconstruction.  We can help people be the people God has called them to be.

Whether you are a part of Doniphan UMC or another church, please take time to learn and support the missional giving opportunities.  We live in a time where even a drink of water in God’s name will bring people to Christ.  Let’s offer that water and bring Christ to everyone.


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