Thursday, January 30, 2014


February 2014

Luke 6:13 “And when day came, he called his disciples and chose twelve of them, whom he also named apostles”:

When you ask what we as Christians are supposed to be doing, the answer should be making disciples.  The problem with that answer is two-fold; first, what is a disciple and second, how can we make disciples if we refuse to be disciples?

In regard to the first problem, my definition of a disciple is a follower of Christ who is so into Christ that everything he/she strives to do reflects Christ.   As a Methodist, we are in constant training to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and to love our neighbor as ourselves.  We don’t always get it right, but becoming a disciple is a continual process it is not a onetime thing.

The second problem, (pardon the redundancy) is more problematic.  How can we make disciples if we ourselves will not become disciples?  Attending church once a week is not being a disciple.  Doing a good deed here and there is not being a disciple.  Just being a nice person is not being a disciple.  If we truly desire to make disciples for Christ, then we must become disciples of Christ and that requires following Christ, knowing Christ, learning from Christ and listening to Christ.

 How can we expect someone to take up a cross that we refuse to bear? The Pharisees did that and you know where that got them.  How can we expect someone to learn something if we refuse to study?  How can we expect people to have a deep relationship with Christ if we are not willing to dive into that very relationship?

I have heard that not everyone can be a disciple, but I believe that is a flawed statement.  I believe everyone is called to be a disciple in the context God has for them.  I believe that every person that we come in contact with can be a disciple, but we must first be disciples. I also believe that if our churches truly desire to be disciples, then you will see a revival of epic proportions.  If we truly desire to follow Christ, then the world will change, hunger will be no more, poverty a memory, homelessness a thing of the past.  Following Christ will change everything.

Ultimately becoming a disciple is a response to Christ’s act of salvation in our lives.  So now is the time to respond to what Christ has done in your life, and bring others to him.  Let’s be the disciples Christ is calling us to be.


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