Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cost of Faith

 October 2012

John 10: 39b “….Then Jesus said to them, ‘The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized; 34

What is your faith costing you?

Now there is a conversation starter.  What would happen if you asked your friends, family, neighbors this question?  Would there be an awkward silence and then a switch to a new subject?  Would we discuss the cost of discipleship or start talking about the local football team? 

But, really, what is your faith costing you?  Or is it costing anything? 

When was the last time you came to church?  Were you hoping for God’s presence rather than a comfortable seat?  When was the last time you felt God calling you to step out of your box and into a ministry?  When was the last time you actively did ministry in your church or community?

The point is, faith must cost, because unless we are willing to lay down everything for Christ, we really aren’t willing to follow Christ.  That’s right, you cannot have the world and Christ too, and you have to make a decision. 

The son’s of Thunder (James and John) were told that they would drink from the cup that Christ drank from.  Later James would be martyred and John would die in exile of old age after numerous tortures.  The reality, Faith costs, and if it is not costing you anything, then there is a pretty fair bet you aren’t in it.

Is Christ calling you to move outside you comfort zone, to start or restart a ministry?  Is the Holy Spirit laying on your heart saying “There is more to be done”?  Listen to them.  Hear what God has for you, because the true cost of discipleship, is truly no cost at all, it is the releasing of what ties us to the world.

So, what is your faith costing you?


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