Thursday, May 31, 2012

Born from above

PK’s Corner                                                   

 June 2012      

John 3:3 “Jesus answered him, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above”.

This verse and the verses that follow run counter to the culture we live in today.  The world tells us that we are okay in our sin, and yet tries to sell us something that makes us better.  We are told not to judge the lifestyles of others, and yet we see lives cut short through drugs, alcohol, physical and sexual abuse.  I think one of the great travesties in life is when we are convinced that God accepts us the way we are and we don’t need to be changed

What we overlook is that while God created us good, we ruined that goodness with sin.  This is not a popular notion in the world, or in many of our churches.  We are a marred image of God and thus we are not okay.  But what must we do?

We must be willing to be changed.  Notice I did not say be willing to change, but be willing to be changed, for you see, we cannot change on our own.  Only the creator can change us.  We must be born again, only this time from above. 

Jesus was talking with Nicodemus, a man who thought he was in good standing with God and this passage took the wind out of his sails.  It should be doing the same thing to us. 

In our sin state, we are not able to see the kingdom.  It is only after we have looked upon Christ with the desire to be changed that we can know what God’s love is all about.

The reality of the Christian religion is this, unless we are willing to be changed through Christ, we can have nothing to do with God.


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