Thursday, September 29, 2011

God's Memo

Pk’s Corner October 2011

Psalm 119:11 “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee”. (KJV)

We live in a time of “Biblical Illiteracy”. What this means is that so many so-called “Christians” have yet to read the word of God. Sunday Schools don’t seem to be requiring memorization of verses and people seem to insist that the Bible is irrelevant to today’s culture.

Obviously, if you believe it is irrelevant, then you have not read or studied the bible. It is amazing to me the quotes I hear that are attributed to the bible, when in reality they came from Ben Franklin, or even Carl Sagan. How many times do we quote the bible, and really have no clue if that quote is really in there?

The Bible is the love letter from God. In its pages are biographies, and adventure. You will find romance and intrigue, philosophy and law, health and well being. It can give you a diet plan and a life plan. It can tell you what is coming and share with you what has been. It can change your life, but only if you read and study it. The Psalmist knew how important those words are.

When was the last time you took a bible to church? When was the last time you even opened the covers to see what was there? When did you attend a class that helped you to learn more about the bible? Bible study is a fundamental element of spiritual and church growth.

If you are not already, join a bible study, or start one. Read, dig, enjoy and hide those words in your heart. The last thing you want to hear on Judgment day is God saying “Didn’t you get my memo?”


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