Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Matthew 16:18

And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. (NRSV)

Simon, was renamed and called Peter. This is a rendition of the Greek word for “Rock” or Petra. I find it interesting that Jesus states that this rock, on which the church is built will be so strong that the gates of Hades will not prevail.

Think about what Jesus is saying. The gates of Hades implies that Hades is static, not moving, that it is truly a dead place, a place of stagnation. It has gates and thus it cannot move, nor be moved, but must stay where it is. Hades will not improve or live. It isn’t meant to improve, but just rot. Anything that stays in one place too long tends to rot and wither, and thus you have a vision of Hades, eternal rot and death within the walls.

But the church is built on a rock. In ancient times, rocks were the projectiles of choice used to break down city walls. With the Church being built on the Rock, we are called to break down walls of stagnation and death, to roll through hate and oppression. The church is supposed to be a movement to help people know Christ, not a fortress to keep people out.

This call, and the Great Commission reminds us that we are called to move. The Church is a place of dynamic work, not stagnating death and we, who are on the rock, are called to knock down those gates, for they cannot and will not prevail.

The Church in Christ is what Rocks the world.


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