Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not Enough?

PK’s Corner April 2011

Matthew 14:18 “Bring them here to me.” (HCSB)

The feeding of 5000 people with just 5 loaves and 2 fish is truly a remarkable feat. It is even more remarkable when we realize that they only counted the males of the group. Truly this is a miracle of enormous proportions.

But, the one thing I have learned in my Christian journey is God does not work in a vacuum. There was a teaching here, and all too often we miss it. This small lunch was not enough to feed more than one person. It was so small, the disciples were almost apologetic in when they brought it too Jesus. But Jesus knew better. He knew that something great can come out of something small.

God can take our weakness and turn it into the greatest of strengths. God is glorified when we give God everything, including what we consider small and worthless. The greater gift in the temple was the widow’s mite, not the overflowing bags of gold. The one lamb was more important than the flock, the broken prodigal meant more than all the servants, and yes the fish were more filling than all the burgers money could buy.

When we give with all we have, when we give up everything , that is when God is glorified. The boy gave out of his poverty, the widow gave her last two coins, the Syrian woman, her last ounce of dignity and Jesus gave his last drop of blood.

All these gifts, given even though there was nothing else, is the giving God desires, the letting go of all we hold dear.

Give God your all, not just your best, but you’re worst also, not just you joy, but your pain. Even if we think it is insignificant, God can turn it into Glory.

If you doubt that, look at what God did to an instrument of torture called the Cross.


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