Thursday, February 25, 2010

Frail Humanity

PK’s Corner March 2010

Psalm 51:3 “For I know my transgression and my sin is ever before me.”

The 51st Psalm is particularly relevant for the time of Lent because it talks about our human frailties and weakness. The author of this Psalm was considered by God to be “A man after God’s heart”. David basked in the favor and glory of God, and yet he committed adultery, murder and deceit in the cover up that led to the writing of this Psalm. As awful as his crimes were, God still loved him and forgave him.

We too are frail beings, whether clergy or congregation, we all fall short of what God calls us to be. Maybe there is something that we said, we wish we could unsay, or maybe there was an action taken that we would take bake. Regardless of what we may have done, God is a forgiving God, and is willing to forgive us if we just ask.

Only one is truly good and that is Jesus, we fall short, but we don’t have to stay there because God is ready to move us on through his son Jesus Christ. As we go through this time of Lent, rather than wallow in the transgression we may have committed, let us bask in the forgiving love of Jesus Christ, and be the children he would have us to be.


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