P.K.’s Corner
Luke 24: 18b. “…Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have take place there in these days?”
On the road to Emmaus, two of Christ’s followers were talking about the events of that first Easter day. On their minds they had the crucifixion and then that very morning, the body of Christ was missing. Their thoughts were focused on these events and the teachings that Jesus gave them.
A stranger comes up and literally asks, “What is going on?” To these men, they assumed everyone knew what happened. They were not ready for someone to not know. Fortunately, it was Jesus who was there and explained all that happened.
As followers of Christ, it is easy to assume that every person in America knows about Jesus. In fact we think missionaries should go to a foreign country rather than minister in our own back yard. The sad fact is people don’t know Jesus. Our cities and towns are full of people who are literally ignorant of even the basics of the Bible. We, the church have for years assumed that people knew what we were talking about, and our neighbors have no clue of what the Gospel even is. We have only our selves to blame.
For us, that is the challenge, to stop assuming that others know Christ and to assume the responsibility of sharing the word of God. Folks, people’s souls are at stake, and God’s kingdom is coming. Share the gospel with everyone you meet, even if you think they know it. If they have heard it before, that’s okay, it’s a message worth repeating.
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