Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Joshua 24:15 “ But if serving the Lord seems undesirable for you, then choose for yourselves whom you will serve…”

I know what you are thinking, what a verse to start of the New Year with, but there is a reason for this.

We are entering into a New Year, and with that comes the annual tradition of New Years resolution. Many of you have made resolutions, and many of you have probably already broken them. The question I have is, what is your resolution for your soul?

Joshua told the Israelite nation that they needed to resolve whom they would follow; this was not the time to be wishy-washy. This call comes out to us to resolve whom we will serve, will it be God or the World. Can we resolve to choose to serve God this year, or will we fall off the resolution bandwagon and go back to serving the world.

This year is going to present all sorts of new challenges. We have new leaders; we will have new laws, and new guidelines. There will be new prices, and new unemployment. There will also be new ways to entertain our selves and new ways to get into trouble. But more importantly there will be new ways to minister to the lost and lonely.

Choosing whom we serves will allow us to focus on what is important to us. If we choose to serve the world, the hungry will remain hungry, the poor will remain poor, the lost will stay lost and the sick will die. But, if we choose this day to serve God, then the lame will walk, the blind will see, the lost sheep will be found, the hungry will be fed and the sick will be cured.

The way Joshua’s speech ends is what I pray your response will be, for it is my response. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Happy New Year and May God continue His blessings on you.

Pastor Kent

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