Thursday, December 27, 2007


Hebrews 2:18
" Because he himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested."

Look into any other religion of the world, and you will not find a God who has gone as far as ours has. God came to earth as a little baby in the incarnation of Jesus Christ. He grew with us, suffered the bodily ailments that come with living. He went hungry and thirsted, and he felt compassion for his children.

The God I serve is one who knows the trials and tests I am going through, because he traveled the same road. As the writer of Hebrew tells us, he is able to help us who are being tested.

We start a new year next week. There will be many tests in the months ahead, but be assured, God is there to go through the tests with you, if you but ask.

Help is right where you are.


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