Friday, October 26, 2007

God vs. the world

Psalms 2:2 "The kings of the earth stand up and the rulers take counsel together: against the Lord and against his Anointed.

The interesting thing about this verse is it was written 3000 +/- years ago. David is the reputed author, (and I do not doubt that).

The world today seems to have so many rulers and kings ready to stand against God. These are the same people God created, and his creation is in rebellion. My question is why? Why do so many people seem to hate, or at best disregard God?

In exploring world religions, I have found on thing in common with all religions and uncommon in Christianity. That word is control. Every non-Christian and non-Judaic religion is based on power and keeping someone under control. Whether it is the caste system of the Hindu or the extremism of Islam, it boils down to an issue of control over the populace.

Christianity is different. Christ sees in us all an image of creation. This is the image we are made in. Man, Woman and Child are all equally precious in his sight. Where others would kill, Christ calls for us to heal. Where others call for doing harm, Christ calls for giving hope. Where others seek revenge, Christ calls us to forgive. This call to love is frightening and threatening to those in power.

But what is even more threatening is the idea of selflessness. Christians are called to love our neighbor, and to meet the needs of others before we see to the needs of our self. We are called to be servants. Christ washed feet, and we are to do likewise. I hazard the thought that no other founder of the world religions would give their life for people they did not know, but Christ did. (Yes and he does know them.)

We are called to love, and through this love, no matter how many times the kings and rulers take counsel, God's love will always be triumphant.

God's Love to you

Pastor Kent

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