Thursday, October 27, 2016


Pk’s Corner

November 2016


1 Chronicles 16:34 “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.”

We are getting into a time of year that will just get busier.  The holidays are rushing toward us like a runaway locomotive.  There is so much to schedule and to prepare.  There are so many events that have to be attended.  In all this hustle and bustle, we may be tempted to forget worship.

Have you ever thought about why we worship, and why we give our time, talents and gifts to the church?  I challenge you with this one word answer…Gratitude.

The reason we celebrate this holidays is to express our gratitude to the risen Christ.  Thanksgiving, though steeped in the traditions of the Pilgrims, is actually a day set aside to be thankful for all that we have, whether it is much or little.  Christmas is set aside so that we can honor the birth of the one person who will save us from our sins and give us eternal life. 

But we tend to overlook that each Sunday is set aside to give us an opportunity to show gratitude to God for his love.  His creation provides our every need, and there is nothing we have that did not originally come from God’s creation.  Many of us are grateful for God’s hand of providence that has brought us through rough times, and even deatdly illness. 

This is what worship is truly about; showing our gratitude to a loving God.  Now, God does not force this upon us.  He does not demand we thank him, that is not what a loving parent does.  It is our privilege to offer God our thanks.

When we come to worship, we need to be there to show our gratitude, and not just in our presence, but also in our giving.  Loving our neighbor and meeting their needs shows gratitude to God for meeting our needs.  Our time of offering is a sign of Gratitude to all that God has done for us.

So, as we plunge into the coming holiday season, let’s not neglect any opportunity to show our gratitude to the one who has given us everything.  Show your gratitude by worshiping, giving, loving, and helping.  Remember everything God provides in your life, and be thankful.
