Tuesday, June 3, 2014


PK’s Corner                                                  

June 2014

Hebrews 10:25   “Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near.”  (CEB)

“School’s out, School’s out, teacher let the mules out.  One jumped in, one jumped out and one jumped in the sour kraut”.  Thus went a rhyme my grandmother taught me to celebrate the last day of school.  The longing for freedom from teachers, books and forced activities seemed to come to fruition.   Even today, as adults, we look forward to the “vacation” season.  We plan trips for the family, outings on the rivers and lakes in our area.  We plan as much leisure time as we can fit into the 104 days of summer vacation.  But soon we are back in the fall schedule of school, and work and indoor activities.

While we may take a vacation from work and school, and look forward to separate ourselves from the ordinary life, we need to remember that God is not taking a vacation from us.   I realize for many, attending church is not even on their radar as they make the vacation plans, but it should be.

You see, we should never take a vacation away from the ones we love, and if we love God, then God should be part of our vacation plans.  If we claim Christ as our savior, then Christ should be considered in our planning.  Vacation time is a perfect time to see other congregations, to see different ways of worship and explore new ways to get closer to God.  Even as a minister, I make it a point to attend church when we travel, and I find it refreshing and enlightening. 

I encourage you to make Worship and going to Church part of your vacation plans.  I know you will find it refreshing, invigorating and restful, because when we can be where God is, we are refreshed.

Enjoy your summer, but keep God in it.
