Thursday, August 29, 2013


PK’s Corner                                                   

 September 2013        

Hebrews 10:24-25 24And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, 25not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

According to recent polls, regular attendance at church consists of 1.8 times per month.  Now, I don’t know about you, but I always understood  regular attendance to mean being at church every time the doors were open.  Today we are seeing a mass exodus from the church and in order to make it look less bad, we have adjusted requirements for attendance.  This is not the way of God, nor the intention of the church.

The writer of Hebrews knew the human condition all too well.  It is too easy to wake up on the Lord’s Day and say, “It’s too hot, I’ll go to church next week” or “It’s too cold, maybe it will be warmer next week”.  We can find excuses upon excuses for not coming to church.  But Hebrews tells us to not accept excuses.

To stop the decline of the church in this country, it seems that there is one thing we have not tried... Encouragement.  When was the last time you encouraged someone to attend worship with you?  When was the last time you overrode objections so your friend could be at church?  When did your church last adjust a worship time, or prayer time so that others could come?

The church has been called to change lives, but unless we as the body of the church encourage people to attend and be part of a faith community, the church is impotent and spiritual death becomes the norm.  We cannot allow this to happen.

Here is my challenge to you for this month; Think of 10 people who are not regular church attendees. (Regular being at least once a week)  Now take it upon yourself to encourage those persons to come to church with you.  Go out of your way to help them with rides, or to over ride whatever their objections will be.  By doing this you will be working for the Kingdom and we can stop this exodus from the church.

God has given us a great gift that is meant to be shared, please share it.
