PK’s Corner January 2010
Revelations 22:13 “I AM, the ALPHA, the OMEGA, the BEGINNING, and the END, the FIRST and the LAST!”
War, Poverty, Political unrest, Human rights violations, Pandemic and Epidemics; all of these and more were found at one time or another in our headlines in the year 2009. All too often we have been reminded of the badness that has been going on in this past year, and we look to 2010 with trepidation. We would like to think we have a handle on things, but the truth is, we don’t know what to expect in 2010.
But why should we expect to have a handle on something we have no control over. God created the world and was there from the very beginning, and God is in control. For every bad thing the papers and news services told us about, lives were being changed. In Doniphan alone, new lives were brought into the world, hope was given, cures happened, lives were changed, all because God is.
The great I AM was with us in 2009 and will be with us every step of the way into 2010. God is in control, because God is Alpha and Omega.
Here’s to a Godly and world changing 2010