PK’s Corner
Luke 21: 34a “Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life…”
The geo-political world is in upheaval; our own government seems to get more and more out of touch every day. Our savings are at an all time low and unemployment is on its way to an all time high. The voice of doom and gloom is being broadcast on all channels and in all of our hearts. Despair is being heard loud and clear, and hope seems to have abandoned us.
Or has it?
Jesus gives us this word, “Be on Guard…” be on guard against dissipation (i.e. in over extravagance or in squandering), in drunkenness and in worry. Isn’t it interesting that the three things that can separate us from heaven are an overindulgent lifestyle, drunkenness and worry? Right now the biggest problem we have in our faith walk in Christ is worry.
This worry is showing up in the ministries of the church. People are hoarding their time and talent for fear that there will be an ultimate lost, but Christ assures us that we cannot let this happen. We must live lives that exude generosity and love.
In order to dispel worry, we must first have faith in God. I once read that faith is not stepping out into nothingness, but listening and obeying that voice that says the ledge is there, even if we can’t see it.
Now is the time for faith, not fear. So “Be On GUARD! Amen