P.K.’s Corner
Mark 13:37 “And what I say to you I say to all: Keep Awake”
In Mark, Jesus warns us that when he returns we will not know until it happens. There is no way to guess or be sure of the second coming, so we must be awake and ready for the return. Unfortunately we have forgotten how to stay awake and we have become spiritual sleepwalkers.
Our physical bodies require rest, this gives the body a chance to repair and refresh for the coming day. Even when we sleep, our bodies are hard at work repairing the damage of the day and preparing for the day to come.
In our spirituality, we tend to just sleep and not let our spirit be refreshed. Instead of resting and allowing the spirit to heal, we just shut down and do nothing to strengthen the spirit. We fall asleep, and it is a non-productive sleep.
Our spirits need to be re-energized on a regular basis. This is done through Church attendance, Sunday school, Bible Study, Devotional time and prayer. Only through these activities can our spirit be refreshed and ready for the challenges to come.
In the upcoming season, it is easy to get so caught up in the Christmas preparation that we forget to be ready for the kingdom. We let our spirits lag and fall in disrepair, and then we sleep. Jesus calls us to refresh, not pass-out, to prepare, and not fall down in fatigue, to be ready for the King of Kings.
Are you sleepwalking, or re-energizing?
Pastor Kent