Matthew 25:25a “So I was afraid”
I must ask your forgiveness for using just a part of the scripture, but actually the whole text is pertinent to the PK’s corner. So when you get a chance look up Matthew 25: 14-30.
We try to wrap out minds around why the 3rd servant was treated so badly, what had he done that was so wrong? He did not lose anything and the master lost nothing, so why the anger?
The answer to this is the 3rd steward did not even try. Life is full of setbacks, disappointments and failed efforts. These are the things that make up the human condition. The worst thing to do is to give up and not try. When the talents were handed out, they were given according to ability. The 5 talent guy, could handle 5 talents, the 2 talent guy could handle 2 talents and the 1 talent guy showed the ability to the master to handle that talent. But the 1 talent guy failed because he was afraid, (at least that was his excuse). Fear of loss, fear of retribution, fear of not winning, all these things figured into his decision to not try. Ultimately his failure to even make an effort caused him to fail.
God encourages us to try, to make an effort, to reach our potential, but too often we don’t try for fear of failing, or looking bad, or just being different. To follow Christ is to put yourself out there, and trust that God will give you the ability to succeed. We cannot stay at home and say, “What’s the use?” Too many people do that already, God calls us to go beyond ourselves and take the one talent and help others.
Imagine the response if the one talent guy bought food for the poor and needy, or helped to build a hospital, or used the talent to pay debts for his workers, that would have been a worthy investment that would have surpassed the 5 talent guy.
It may seem that we have an uphill battle in sharing the Good News, but we have to try, failure to try is not an option.